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Conclusion of an exchange agreement between YU Faculty of Architecture and College of Architecture of US Syracuse Univ. N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2022.06.23 09:53
  • Publication Date : 2022.06.13
  • Views : 9579

Cultivation of architectural experts through international exchange and cooperation by professors, researchers, and students

Construction of global network for international joint education and research activities

[June 13, 2022]


<Conclusion of an international exchange agreement between YU Faculty of Architecture and College of Architecture of US Syracuse University>

(From the second on the left of front line, Director KANG Ju-won of Faculty of Architecture, President PARK Seung-woo of Faculty of International Education, and Dean Michael A. Speaks of College of Architecture)

YU Faculty of Architecture concluded an international exchange agreement with College of Architecture of US Syracuse University.

The purpose is cultivation of world-level architectural experts through construction of global network for human exchanges by professors, researchers, and students, etc. and international joint education and research activities.

  In the agreement event held in Room 306 of YU Architecture Building at 2:00 pm on the 13th, main YU staff including President PARK Seung-woo of YU Faculty of International Education, Director KANG Ju-won of Faculty of Architecture, and Dean Michael A. Speaks of College of Architecture, etc. participated.

  With conclusion of the agreement, both colleges agreed in gathering capabilities for ▲ Operation of exchange programs for professors and researchers, ▲ Operation of exchange programs for undergraduates and graduates, and ▲ Holding research and education symposiums, etc.

  Syracuse University is a prestigious private university in New York State in the USA which was founded in 1870. The university produced many winners of Nobel Prize, Fields Prize, and Pulitzer Prize, etc. and is deemed as a prestigious university in the areas of business administration, administration, and public politics as well as architecture.

  Director KANG Ju-won of YU Faculty of Architecture commented, “A foundation is made to cultivate architectural experts equipped with global capabilities with use of human and material infrastructure of both colleges through conclusion of an agreement with Syracuse University. Starting with exchange by professors and students, we will systematically construct global network between both colleges for expansion of practical exchange in various areas.”

  Meanwhile, from 3:00 pm after concluding the agreement, Dean Michael A. Speaks of College of Architecture made a special lecture for the students of YU Faculty of Architecture in the auditorium of YU College of Engineering.